
What is fear? Why do we have fear? What makes us so afraid? Really think about those questions. I mean, God promises that all things will work out for our good. (Romans 8:28) Not only that but he says "do not fear" exactly 365 times in the bible. As I was always taught; if God says something, its important. If God says something twice, its really important. If God says something 365 times, you had better listen up. So He's not kidding when He says "do not fear." Yet what do we do? We're afraid. I could write a book on all the things I'm afraid of. Heights, roller coasters, the dark, creepy ally ways, horror movies, the list goes on and on. But I'm also afraid of other things like telling people about Christ. I mean, God is the only way to heaven. If they don't believe, they pay that price by burning in hell. I don't want anyone to go through that. Yet I can't even bring up the topic.
   Why do we let fear control us? Are we afraid of what might happen? What holds us back from stepping out? On the topic of spreading the gospel, I know its hard. I've only talked about Jesus with a non-believer twice I think. We like to stay at home in our comfort zone where we're safe. We don't have to take any risks or anything of the sort. But God calls us to step out! It's a scary thing. Fear is something that's always had a tight grip on me and it brings me down a lot. But think about it like this: what if someone were to die in a car accident and because you didn't step out of your comfort zone for a minute, they're in hell. What if something you said would have made all the difference in the world? I've said it before and I'll say it again: words are powerful. They can be used as weapons of destruction...or they can be used to build someone up. They can help make someone day a little brighter, make their load a little lighter. It's scary to step up and be audacious. I've been praying for courage to be audacious for a while now. But sometimes you just gotta do it. Don't think. I've always been one to just do things, even when I know I'll be terrified. Because I want to overcome fear. I don't want fear to rule me. I want to live my life trusting God. Knowing that He has a plan.
   A lot of the time God will call you to do things that scare you to death. But He's not going to call you to do something without the means to do it. When He gives you a mission, He knows your fully equipped to do it. He has given you the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-22.I like to picture that in a lot of cool ways. You could go all Star Wars and do a lightsaber for the sword of the Spirit, or Marvel and Captain America's shield for the shield of Faith. Have some fun with it.) But God will give you everything you need to accomplish your task.
   So what's your excuse? Why do you continue to let fear rule you? Moses' excuse when God called him to tell the Pharaoh to let the people go (Exodus 4) was "I'm not good at public speaking." Worst excuse ever. God was like "Really Moses? You don't trust me?" One of my favorite verses is God's response. (Exodus 4:11-12) "Who has made mans mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to say." Whenever God calls me to step out I want to say "Uh, God, remember I hate talking to people?" Then I remember that verse.
   The reason I used evangelizing and public speaking in my analogy is because that's something I really struggle with. But this can be applied to anything. God is with you. You don't need to fear. So forget fear. Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Not only does God tell us to be strong and courageous, He commands us to! So listen up! So lets forget about fear and live to be courageous! You can be a hero. Be fearless.


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