Rise Above It: Mission Launched

Well finally after much talking and praying and planning, the organization thing, Rise Above It Missions, is officially launched! I am SO excited for this! I pray SO much that God would use this and allow me to reach out to people and really touch peoples lives. Yeah, I know its just over the internet, but I know God can do big things with small things. David conquered Goliath. The purpose of this mission is to show people that they aren't alone and that there are people who love them.

   There are many ways you can connect with this group.


The Official Website

and with our email, riseaboveitmissions@gmail.com. We are here to offer encouragement and to help people who are struggling. You are not alone. No one is. Again, if you would pray for this group that would be great.

   Along with this website and such, I also want to do some work in my community. That's going to be the real trick. I'm still working on doing that but I know God can provide. There is so much I feel God is calling me to do. I just want to make a difference. It weighs so heavy on my heart, I think about it all the time. I'm always asking myself how I can make someones day. One of my main goals is to be more patient at home, to set aside time for my 6 younger siblings and help them to grow in Christ. I want to be a good example for them.

   Life is really hard for me right now so if you could also pray for me and my family I would really appreciate it. Thank you amazing followers! I love you all and I'm always here for you if you need me! I love praying for you. May the Force be with you!


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