A Story To Give Hope To The Homeless

2 years ago to this day something big happened. It was a total game changer in my life and so many other people's. 2 years ago I left my home, the only home I had ever known, to live in a friends basement. Why? Because a while before that my dad had lost 2 jobs and we could no longer pay for our small apartment. As we drove the 45 minute drive to "our" new place I wasn't afraid. I knew we would be okay. The plan was we would live there for a month and then my dad would find a job and we could find a new house. Little did I know that this one day would lead to a year without a home. Constantly moving every month, splitting up from my family and even living in a homeless shelter. Little did I know that this one day would impact me, even 2 years later.
So many things happened in that one month. I couldn't even begin to tell you about. Sure I loved living there but some days were hard. I didn't yet miss my apartment, but it was different. Adapting to a whole new way of life wasn't easy. Plus this was my first real move. It was surprisingly easy to leave my home; after months of packing and sleeping on the floor I was finally ready to leave my old life behind. I was so excited! I knew that when it was all over I could tell of how I had lost my home and had to live with friends. I knew that someday God would use my story to change people. Though I didn't know that it would not only change other people, but I would also change me.
Then the day came. At the end of March we had to leave. No one else had been willing to take in a family of 8 people, so we would be split up. There was also a problem: the family that was going to take me and my sister, Dayle, in was on vacation. So the family agreed to let just us two stay for 4 more days until they returned. So my family left and for the first time I felt scared. I had no idea where my family was going. It was possible they would be living in a homeless shelter. I had no idea when I would see them again. As I said my goodbye's that night I tried so hard not to cry. I shut the door and they were gone. When I turned around I locked eyes with my friend who stood there with her arms wide open and that look on her eyes that made me burst into tears. I cried for probably an hour after that and I think more that night while I lay in bed.
The next morning I joined the family for devotions. I sat down on the couch and listened to their mother talk.
"We've been studying 2 Samuel," She explained. "But we kind of took a break...I think we're going to start back on 2 Samuel again."
So I listened to the story of how David was running from Saul who was trying to kill him then she read one verse that caught my attention.
"For you, Oh Lord, have made a revelation with your servant saying 'I will build you a house.' Therefore your servant has found courage to pray this prayer to you."
The mom stopped and smiled as she said "You know...I know this isn't really talking about this but...that's almost like God's speaking to you."
There. In that moment God did speak to me. He said He would build me a house. That was the promise I held on to for the next year.
So today I'm remembering the memories I had with that family. They've helped shape me into who I am today. I'm also remembering what God did for me during that time. Through the good times and bad, He is still God.


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